List of modifications

Aeroplanes / Boeing / 737-400

MAP019 – Rogerson Aircraft Auxiliary fuel tank removal

MAP019 – Rogerson Aircraft Auxiliary fuel tank removal

This modification details Rogerson Aircraft Corporation ATS 1000 U.S. gallon auxiliary fuel system installation in Boeing 737-400 aircraft and deactivation of the system and removal of the two auxiliary fuel tanks.

The Rogerson Aircraft Corporation ATS two-tank auxiliary fuel system installation is approved under FAA STC SA3992NM for installation in Boeing 737-400 aircraft. The manufacturer has identified an unsafe condition which could result in fuel tank explosions that affects several different aircraft types and auxiliary tank designs. The FAA has issued an AD that identifies the affected airplane / STC combinations and prescribes the deactivation of the auxiliary fuel tanks and provides the criteria for deactivation. This modification was made to ensure compliance to the EASA regulations and its particular requirements and how the deactivation/ de-modification can be done safely .

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EASA Design Organisation approval

Certified design

MAP 21 achieved an EASA Part 21 Subpart J Design Organisation Approval in 2007, EASA.21J.326, which enables us to approve modifications to the aviation industry as a delegated EASA authority.